We advise on all areas of commercial law and, in particular, on company purchase and sale transactions, offering our clients comprehensive management of merger and acquisition projects.

In the area of commercial contracts, we have extensive experience in advising on and drafting all types of distribution, franchise, agency, licence, supply, outsourcing and consultancy contracts, as well as on all types of general terms and conditions of contract, whether for purchase, sale, supply or delivery, and in relation to all types of guarantees.

The following are some of the services we provide in the commercial field:

  • Incorporation of any type of company and preparation of all types of corporate agreements.
  • Drafting of articles of association and regulations for General Meetings and Boards of Directors.



  • Definition of the structure of administration and internal management of companies.
  • Legal management of the day-to-day running of commercial companies.
  • Planning and execution of restructuring operations, mergers and acquisitions.
  • Advice and management of Board of Directors' Secretariats, corporate agreements and registration formalisation.
  • Relations between shareholders and shareholders' agreements.
  • Conduct of general meetings and management of shareholders' rights.
  • Commercial contracts: distribution contracts (agency, franchising, supply), collaboration contracts, guarantee contracts, sale and purchase contracts, swaps, purchase or sale options.
  • Legal advice and defence in all types of legal proceedings in commercial matters: Challenging corporate and administrative body agreements, corporate disputes, liability of directors and partners, as well as contractual breaches of any kind.
  • Insolvency law: Approach, processing, management and assistance in insolvency proceedings, as well as advice and negotiation with insolvency administrators, trustees, receivers, liquidators and commissioners.



Solicitud de contacto

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Responsable del tratamiento: MLT ABOGADOS & ECONOMISTAS, S.L.,
Bolsa, 10 4-B , Málaga

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  • Derecho de información, acceso, de rectificación, de oposición, de supresión ("al olvido"), de limitación del
    tratamiento, de portabilidad, de no ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas.
  • Recuerde que ejercitar sus derechos es gratuito. También puede usted presentar una reclamación ante la
    autoridad de control.

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